Corpsmembers learn the skills they need to be successful in their personal and professional relationships. The life skills curriculum teaches the values of being personally accountable and working cooperatively within diverse groups. We find these skills to be indispensable during their service at RMYC and in the workforce.

The diversity of projects requires a diversity of training and certifications to ensure that Corpsmembers have the skills they need to compete each project safely and completely.

RMYC works with project partners to provide additional training to educate Corpsmembers of the purposes and benefits of their work and to inspire them to consider a career in conservation as a result of their personal interactions with conservation professionals. These trainings may include:

All Corpsmembers participate in one week of orientation prior to beginning project work. Corpsmembers receive a thorough five-day orientation on RMYC policies, AmeriCorps policies, prohibited activities, risk management protocols and community building. Corpsmembers will participate in a series of trainings, including history of national service, sexual harassment in the workplace, conflict resolution, team building, effective communication, and job skills.
Orientation also includes completion of the challenge ropes course. This experience provides a full day on the ropes course with a series of low and high elements to provide Corpsmembers with an experiential learning model. A series of team building activities, group games, group stages of development, and crew code of ethics are activities covered throughout the day.