Make Rocky Mountain Youth Corps part of your planned giving portfolio.
As we move into the eve of our 30th anniversary, and into the second quarter of the 21st century, it is clear that investing in New Mexico youth, our future leaders, is a shared investment in the sustainability of the people, communities, urban, and natural environments we most cherish.
New Mexico’s faces so many challenges in the youth poverty rate, food insecurity, drought and fire risk as a result of the perpetuating climate crisis and more. Today’s youth are searching for pathways to make things better and deserve every opportunity to do so.
Our shared financial commitment to funding the future of New Mexico Youth is the critical infrastrcture that Rocky Mountain Youth Corpsmembers need. They are making the difference, and the sustainability of the RMYC NM Corps is found in our ability to enure that we can provide this opportunity for years to come. Rocky Mountain Youth Corps is invested in the personal and professional success of each corpsmember.
The RMYC endowment fund is a predictable, stable source of income for the future. It is a sustaining commitment and one that RMYC NM is ready to steward into the future.
Taos Community Foundation is our current fund manager. You can make a difference by considering a gift from trust, stock, insurance policy, retirement fund, land, listing RMYC in a will, or other planned giving intention. Please reach out to us at for more information and visit the RMYC Giving pages on the Taos Community Foundation website.